rubus0304 님의 블로그

[데이터분석] 코드카타 95 본문

Data Analyst/daily

[데이터분석] 코드카타 95

rubus0304 2024. 11. 4. 09:57

95. Queries Quality and Percentage


We define query quality as:

The average of the ratio between query rating and its position.

We also define poor query percentage as:

The percentage of all queries with rating less than 3.

Write a solution to find each query_name, the quality and poor_query_percentage.

Both quality and poor_query_percentage should be rounded to 2 decimal places.

Return the result table in any order.


1) ratio between query rating and its position  (컬럼들(평가와 순위)간 평균비율..어케 구해?)

     -> 너무 겁먹기 말자.  position 과 rating 둘다 int 타입 컬럼들임. ->  avg (rating/position) 하면 됨.


2) percentage of all queries with rating less than 3  (3점미만 모든 쿼리 퍼센티지는..또 어떻게 구해..?)

     -> 얘도 생각보다 간단.. sum(rating<3)  (3보다 작은 rating의 합)을 전체 count(*) 로 나눈다 -- 요 부분은 물어봐야겠음. 어째서 rating(*)  이 아닌지.. 

     -> 어쨋든 그러면 3점 미만 모든 쿼리의 % 나옴..! 

select query_name,
       round(avg(rating/position),2) as quality,
       round(sum(rating<3)/count(*)*100,2) as poor_query_percentage
from Queries
where query_name is not null
group by 1




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